Bring out the best in your people

Heavy Equipment. We Get It.

  • Recruiting is hard. Today’s worker doesn’t want to get dirty and has commitment issues.
  • The demands at your dealership are increasing and the talent is retiring.
  • You need to promote from within, but there’s no time for training.
  • Just because your best technician can manage a machine repair, doesn’t mean he can manage other technicians… yet.

The industry is in a people crisis.
So, how do we fix it?

Create better leaders, and new talent will stay longer.

Meet Amy.

Amy has worked exclusively with leaders and front-line managers in the heavy equipment industry for over 20 years, building stronger teams and healthier bottom lines. With a wealth of hands-on experience in your industry and a masters in education, she speaks your language and knows how to get through to your people.

In the first year of working with Amy, you’ll see a 5X return. In the following years, you’ll 10X your investment with increased employee retention because you’ll have leaders who can think critically, plan strategically, communicate more effectively and build teams who trust each other.

Let us help you bring out the best in your people.

Learn More
Amy Parrish, Leadership Coach for the Heavy Equipment Industry
Soft skills, people and professional development training for heavy equipment

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