Clean your desk to be more on purpose.
As the year comes to a close, take a few minutes to decide what on your desk needs to come with you into 2025.
Hey, I am Amy and I’m with Iluma Learning, and I’m back with another video because my social media manager is making me do this. So I decided I’m gonna love it, and I’m gonna talk to you the way I would talk to anybody I’m standing in front of doing training. The last time I did a video, I talked to you about getting a handle on this device by just turning off app notifications for nonsense that you don’t need to know the moment that information is hitting. Next I wanna talk to you about just how else can we clean up so that we are more prepared and more professional? And one of those things is just to clean up what’s on your desk.
So I’m kind of looking around at my desk, and today I’ve got stuff like, I went to a cool conference with AED. I loved it, and I got this book and I only wrote a few pages of notes, but it’s a whole book. What am I going to do with this? So I need to decide, do I- am I going to pull the notes out that I took and actually digitize them? Maybe I scanned them and put them somewhere where I might refer to them again. Am I going to- let’s see, what else have I got? I’ve got a thing here. This is a class that I taught where I run a thumbnail of all my slides. That was back in… a couple of months ago. I don’t need this anymore. So actually I am going to throw this away, right? I’m going to put that in the trash. So I’ve got a business card from somebody that I met that I wanna keep up with. I need to put this in my phone. Why am I carrying around a card that I got months ago? I’ve got just random notes on paper that I need to either decide I’m going to use or not. Somebody left this on my desk. I don’t know why, I should just take it home. Or maybe I at least I need to put it in a drawer. Where next time I spill something on myself, I’ve got a pen I can use to clean it up. So I appreciate whoever left this on my desk. Things like this where I’ve got labels from something else I did in another program, I need to put this where I store it. Labels and paper- I need to put things in the home where they belong so I can find them again, because chances are the next time I need a label that’ll be laying under something else and I’ll go buy more labels.
So take three minutes, just like we did with the phone and just clean up what’s on your desk right now. Are there some things that you can throw away? Are there things that you need to file and put away? Just take a couple of minutes and just straighten up, move things around, and make your space a little more peaceful and a little more on purpose. Good idea. I’m going to- I’m going to stop this video and go clean up my desk!