Train The Trainer – Tip #2
We’re continuing our conversation on our flagship programs here at Iluma Learning, Train The Trainer. This week Amy talks about tip #2 of her seven tips for creating a dynamic training environment that will result in greater comprehension, immediate knowledge application, skill and behavior changes, and create an energetic and fun atmosphere!
Hi, I am Amy with Iluma Learning and we are back in our blog series on Train the Trainer. And this is really a flagship program. We love this at Iluma Learning. I so enjoy working with trainers, especially subject matter experts who’ve now been called on to train in what their expertise is. So I work with a lot of people who are technicians who have become trainers, operators who are now trainers, people who are in management that have to get across software, new software usage, or they have to teach things that are complicated, complex and require adults in the classroom to really engage and learn what you have to learn.
Now, I know you have been in a lot of classes, because me too, and I mean, they are boring. Somebody’s killing me by just reading me their PowerPoints. And so we’re looking for ways to make training really dynamic. How do we engage people? So another tip around that is for you to hyper prepare your introduction and really set the tone when you start a new topic by hooking them in with four questions.
So we talk a lot about how do we create context, how do I take what I’ve got to tell you and make you interested in it? So a lot of that has to do with me telling you, hey, here’s what we’re gonna learn. Here is why it matters to you. Here’s how you are gonna benefit from it, and here’s how we’re going to approach the learning. If you do those four things, every time you set up a new topic or you introduce your topic, you have a chance to engage them. Our brain really is searching for the answers to four different questions, who, what, why, and how. If you answer those, you get there. So that’s another tip. Enjoy, and I hope you’ll try this out. It really works. We work a lot with our trainers that we work with in our certification program to make sure that this is just part of how they make introductions all the time. We’re telling them again, hey, here’s really what we’re going to cover. Here is why it should matter to you. And here’s who is going to benefit. If you’ll tune in and know that’s usually the participant, but maybe their customers, their employees, there is somehow you’re telling them this is what’s in it for you and then here’s how we’re going to do it. So they wanna know that they’re gonna be safe, that they’re gonna be entertained, that this is going to be worth their time. So it’s really worth you taking the time to learn how to do that as a trainer, especially in heavy equipment. But any industry benefits from this.