Train The Trainer – Tip #3
Tips for creating a successful and meaningful training continue today with another nugget of wisdom from Amy from her Train The Trainer program. Tip #3 focuses on the do’s and don’ts of visual presentations. Watch below to learn how to use PowerPoint to your advantage in your next training.
Hi, I am Amy back with Iluma Learning and we continue our series on train the trainer. And another tip that we have is to let PowerPoint be a backup visual tool, not the focus of your presentation, training, your speech, anything that you’re doing where you’re talking to a group of people trying to make sure that you use PowerPoint as a tool. If you can read it to them, they can read it themselves.
Why are they in your class? You are there to make it dynamic, to make it interesting, to bring what’s on the screen to life to make it real for them. So as you think about how you’re using your PowerPoints, and I’m not suggesting you don’t use them because I think they have their place in training, they are important tools that you can use that help get across visuals that help you show charts that show you specifically where things are, let’s say on a machine and heavy equipment, or, you know, in any industry, you need to be able to show them certain things and so it helps punctuate information. But often we see people that really lock in on using their presentation. They have 300 slides, two hours to get through them, and they end up reading to their audience. This is exhausting for the audience. So finding ways to look at your PowerPoint, see what’s important, and then turn around and talk to your audience. Now that is a good trainer. So there are lots of other ways and we’ll continue in our next lesson.