Let’s Get Organized!
As another year comes to a close, it’s time to think about how you’re staying organized. Getting your digital life in order will leave you feeling refreshed and confident heading into the new year. Whenever you’re ready, Iluma Learning has some tips to set you on the right path!
- Create a filing system
The most popular ways to organize your files are by project, name, and or date. Create folders and subfolders that best serve your needs. Make sure you understand your system and that moving forward, you continually keep up with the method you created.
Tip: Never name something “Final” unless it’s a document that legitimately will not need further changes. Adding a date to versions of a document will help you keep track of whether it’s the final or not.
- Declutter your inboxes
It’s easy to fall into the habit of leaving unimportant emails unread, eventually cluttering your inboxes and causing you to ignore all your emails. If you already have separate work and personal emails, you’re off to a great start. If you want to take it a step further, set up labels that allow you to find what you’re looking for on the fly.
Take a moment now, look through your in-box and delete/unsubscribe from unimportant emails. Sites like Unroll.Me make decluttering your inbox quick and easy.
Tip: Set aside a chunk of time once a day or once a week to declutter your inboxes.
- Free up storage
Delete apps you don’t use, delete files you will never reference again, and delete duplicate items. These actions can be taken on your phone as well as your computer. Consider using a cloud system to keep your data safe and free up space, and or move old projects to an external drive you can access should you ever need to look at them again.
Tip: Keep your desktop clean by setting the default location for downloads and screenshots to a folder rather than straight to your desktop. This also allows you to easily clean out these folders, rather than letting them pile up.
- Keep your passwords safe and handy
Try using a password manager to keep track of your passwords. Do a quick search to find out what manager best fits your needs.
Tip: Try Bitwarden for a free, one size fits all, password manager.
Happy organizing!