Take Back Your Attention
Amy is here to give you some tips in the next couple weeks to keep you focused and mindful during this busy time of life as the year comes to a close. First, let’s all take three minutes to adjust what notifications we’re allowing our phone to distract us with.
Hi, Amy from Illuma Learning. I am checking in to just get a pulse on how you’re doing as we lead up to the holidays. And if you are like me and my team, and the participants that I’m working with in our training sessions, you’re frazzled. There’s a lot happening. You got a lot to do. And so I want to give you a tip that you can use that’ll help you be more prepared, more professional, and more present in the moment. And it takes less than three minutes. And here’s how it works.
I want you to grab this device that you probably have already in your hand. You’re probably watching me while this is in your hand. And I want you to take and just adjust. Adjust a couple of apps, right? Either delete them, get rid of them, because you don’t need them anymore, you don’t use them, and you just kind of scrolling through and working around them. Or you get notifications for stuff that, who cares if you get it or not. The only thing that you probably really need to know is if your significant other is calling, your child is calling, a family member, somebody that’s important to you. While you’re at work a customer’s calling, your boss is calling. So text and phone, sure, you need to know. But if you’re in your email all the time, do you really need to know the moment you get an email where you’re probably copied on something that you’re never going to read, or you’re getting a coupon for a sale during the holidays?
We have got to start taking control of how we’re using our devices so that they’re not using us. They’re using us for attention. And what we want to do is start pulling that attention back by being really present and really conscious of what we’re allowing to come through and make a sound or buzz or show up on our screen.
So stop this video, take three minutes and knock that out. Find some ways to silence apps that it does not matter if you know the moment that information hits. For instance, if you have a LinkedIn app and you’re looking at LinkedIn right now, well eventually you would see this video. This is not something- you don’t have to know this the moment that I’m going to publish this. So turn off social media app notifications, who cares? We don’t need them. And start taking back your time. One hot notification at a time.
All right. Until next time, I’ll give you another tip in our next video.